Entrepreneurs for the Venetian Villas
Entrepreneurs for the Venetian Villas aims to support, facilitate, preserve and enhance the Venetian Villas

The Association aims to support, facilitate, preserve and enhance the Venetian Villas, thus contributing to the protection of the historical and cultural heritage of undoubted public interest.
The Association:
• Promotes meetings between owners and friends of the Villas.
• It supports every cultural action and initiative in order to enhance the cultural heritage of the Venetian Villas.
• It proposes and promotes tourist destinations on the Venetian Villas and their surroundings.
• Stimulates and supports collaborations between private and public bodies and associates.
• Promotes the study, research and dissemination of historical and artistic knowledge about the Venetian Villas and their civilization.
• Collaborate with the properties to support optimal management.
• Supports agreements between associations for activities of common interest.
• It stimulates the training-educational process to train the person in a vision of lifelong education whose pedagogical objective is the achievement of the preferential and personal best form of life. The Villa Veneta stimulates past-present-future thinking, activating a plural mind in which knowledge and doing are co-present.
• It institutes scholarships, creates events, organizes visits to the Villas to broaden the knowledge of the same even in an unprepared public.
• Supports the educational training offer with Institutions - Schools - Universities - Universities of the third age to be carried out in the Villa.
• Collaborate with schools and professional institutes to create new figures to be included in the working world of the Villa Veneta and thus create new jobs.
• Proposes laws and regulations to the institutions responsible for the purpose of enhancing, promoting, and also financially supporting the Venetian Villas.
• He is in favor of economic activity in the Villa, aware that if the Villa Veneta produces revenues, the conditions for self-sustenance are created.
• Culture creates business and develops, in a virtuous circle, the quality of the demand and supply of culture. One of the objective is to increase the attractiveness of the historical-artistic-cultural resources of the Venetian Villas.
• The Association will be able to carry out all financial, commercial, securities and real estate transactions, (including the assumption of mortgages and / or financing of any kind) if in line or in function with the social-cultural-historical purposes of the Association
PRESIDENTE: Bartolomeo Amidei
Giampietro Zuliani
Alessandro Sargiacomo
Gregorio Vedovato
Emiliano Verzè
Settore fiscale: Renato Ambrosi
Settore legale: Alessandro Turco
Settore architettonico: Alessandro Sargiacomo
Eventi: Gregorio Vedovato
Media: Emiliano Verzè

A heritage aimed at the future
Stimulate research, spread knowledge, promote Venetian Villas in Italy and around the world; not only to preserve and enhance an extraordinary cultural heritage, but to be an active and functional part of a modern development economy.

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